March 23
Spring is here, which also means it’s number crunching time! In today’s society, we constantly worry about numbers, whether financially or by the scale. While I can’t talk to you about the financial side of numbers, I can talk to you about the numbers on the scale...which are just that..numbers. They don’t determine WHO YOU ARE or HOW WELL YOU ARE DOING! If you are living a healthy lifestyle AND exercising correctly, the numbers that need to be noted are the MEASUREMENTS! There are so many factors that come into effect when you weigh yourself: time of day, water gain, salt retention, time of the month, stress, what you ate or didn’t eat, etc. Also, something to remember is that muscle weighs more than fat, sooo if you are using weights, you may see an increase on the scale before a decrease.
The best way to determine your success is tracking....measurements that is! Inches do not lie. I suggest taking measurements every 6 weeks and doing a comparison. Another way to track how well you are doing is look at your workout progress. Go back to your first workout, or the previous 4 weeks, think of all the things you couldn’t do then, but can do now. Here are a few examples: Form improvement; Push-ups reps may have well as burpee reps (or you were successful in doing one!); Better balance; Better posture; and most of all YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF! Throw out the negative and look at all the positives. A lifestyle change, a change in eating habits and a change in an exercise regime ALL TAKE TIME! Every little step leads to a bigger step, which brings you closer to your goals. With hard work and dedication, you will meet your goals.
Be proud of the work you have accomplished, don’t let that scale number discourage you (actually, I’d say get rid of the scale and just invest in a measuring tape!). Keep your chin up and continuing working on your goals! If you need help working on your goals, feel free to contact me! Enjoy your first week of Spring! :)
February 9
Speed, Agility and FORM!
My first client of the morning is training for a marathon. When you hear the terms speed and agility, you may automatically think of soccer, field hockey, tennis players, etc., as they use a lot of footwork in their sport. While this is true, speed and agility is also good for everyone! It not only provides a great cardiovacular workout, but other great benefits including:
· Strengthening the core
· Increases balance
· Increases stride length
· Improves brain & leg communication
· Strengthens the joints
· An overall boost to your energy & fitness levels
Regardless of your choice of exercise, the most important item to remember is FORM! Without the proper form, you are at risk to injuring your body which leads to further complications down the road. Before you begin any exercise, learn the form first. If don’t have a trainer to help correct your form, performing the exercise in front of a mirror is a great way to check yourself. Even slight form adjustments (yes, even just a slight chin up or down) go a long way to avoid injury and utilize the muscles the exercise is meant to! So get up, get moving, and enjoy your day!
February 2
Living healthy and adding fitness to your life can start at any time. The sooner you begin, the healthier you will be: more energy, less medical risks, and an overall good feeling about yourself.
Here are 3 important items to note when you are exercising:
1. Form - if you do not work out with a trainer, make sure you are near a mirror so you can keep your form correct. Bad form makes a bad habit, which causes injuries and lack of results.
2. BREATHE! - Remember to breathe... Depending on your choice of exercise, running, high-intensity sports, strength training, yoga...There are different types of breathing needed to help your body achieve maximum results....
3. Have FUN - if you are not enjoying what you do or excited about the results of what you are's time for a change-up. Working out can be fun...It is hard work, but it can be enjoyable, especially when you see the results of your dedication to your health!
Enjoy your day my friends...I'm stepping into my office to help change lives!